Thursday, 29 November 2012


     With a less combative and intimidating attitude, PC3050 DOIDGE, on the 5th November 2011 – fails to follow procedures and decides not to record the hate crimes for the simple fact that these “are not crimes” :


PC3050 Doidge: None of this is a police matter; I don`t know why you’ve been sent here, I really don’t.
Costin: They sent me to get a reference number so that I can continue …
PC3050 Doidge: This isn’t … you can have a reference number but this won’t be something that the police will be looking into; it’s none of our business; it is a business which requires civil law which Harrison Clarks solicitors, Harrison do they ? They are dealing with your case. You claim you’ve been thrown out of this property illegally; she is telling that she’s done it legally and that will be sorted out by your solicitors in a …
Costin: I know sir, but she is basically sending me false documents.
PC3050 Doidge What you mean sending you false documents ?
Costin: Look at the date this letter was sent.
PC3050 Doidge: 6th of October.
Costin: On the 6th of October she sent me a formal notice for required possession of her property, property she illegally evicted me 3 months earlier.
PC3050 Doidge: Right!
Costin: This isn’t harassment ?
PC3050 Doidge: No it’s not harassment ! Not at all.
Costin: Are you sure ?
PC3050 Doidge: No, it’s a disagreement, it’s certainly not harassment; this is not a criminal exit.
Costin: Doesn’t that count as her husband …
PC3050 Doidge: We might be able to do that, but, it’s nothing the police will be involved in. I’m sorry to say you’ve come to the wrong people. The people that can help you sort this out are yoursolicitors.
Costin: Take into account the evidence  I was evicted.
PC3050 Doidge: The evidence to when you were removed ?
Costin Yes.
PC3050 Doidge: When you were removed or how you were removed is not a matter for the police, is it ? It’s a property and a tenant, so what happens between you is nothing to do with the police. All we would be interested is that you don’t beat the living days out of each other.
Costin: And how they threatened to do that isn’t it illegal ?
PC3050 Doidge: That’s the end of it! Please go back to the college, I am sorry I cannot help, but you’re just going around in circles. You are not gonna convince me that this is a criminal matter. I don`t think it is. On that basis we won’t be helping you. I am sorry, but if you have any direct threats from this lady, then yes, of course, we will help; however you haven’t. You received nothing but pleasant emails. That’s nothing but meetings to sort out problems of your eviction. That’s …
Costin: Did you had … And the fact that she is reading my mail ?
PC3050 Doidge: It makes absolute 0.
Costin: Can you please sign this here ?
PC3050 Doidge: You got the reference, cause it is there !
Costin: Yes, but the ladies at the reception told me that you are suppose to write …
PC3050 Doidge: Write what ?
Costin: Your name and your reference number or something like that.
PC3050 Doidge: The reference number is there. You want my name ? Well, this book is for a crime reference. Is there a crime ? There you go!
Costin: Thank you sir!
PC3050 Doidge : Thank you!

Further evidence: letter - Final - 18 06 12.doc & Investigation Report - CERCEL - version 1 - pjm – sanitized.doc

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